The (beta9 documentation for VS2010 is online, and therefor also the Breaking changes in VS2010 C/C++:
- “auto” is now a keyword
- “static_assert” is now a keyword
- Lambda support excludes support for unquoted GUID in an IDL (it uses the same […] syntax)
- Some “.NET-Exceptions” can now only be caught with __try __except
- /GS checks might decrease performance
- Project files are automatically converted to the new .vcxproj
- CRT/MFC/ATL/OpenMP-DLLs no longer use fusion (huray!); it uses plan old dll-hell
- Support for environmentvariable __MSVCRT_HEAP_SELECT was removed
- hash_map and hash_set are now in the std namespace (previously in stdext)
- SafeInt is included
“CRT/MFC/ATL/OpenMP-DLLs no longer use fusion (huray!); it uses plan old dll-hell”
Wow, did developer community feedback cause this?
It seems so! Great news 😉
Finally. No more manifests and MSBuild support for vcproj’s.
That alone is enough to make the switch worth it 🙂
I’m not liking VS2010. I can’t get my 2008 project running in debug mode because of this error:
Dependent Assembly Microsoft.VC90.DebugCRT,processorArchitecture=”x86″,publicKeyToken=”1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b”,type=”win32″,version=”9.0.21022.8″ could not be found
I’ve followed this and I must still be doing something wrong:
It should really not be this difficult!
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