There are already several hotfixes available for VC2005 SP1 and VC2008 RTM. Here is a short overview:
- VC2005-SP1: Intellisense hang when hotfix KB943969 is installed, see also KB947315
- VC2005-SP1: FIX: The visual studio 2005 SP1 compiler generates incorrect floating point code for x64 optimized builds, see also: KB946310
- VC2005-SP1: FIX: The IDE responds slowly when you close a Visual C++ 2005 project, see also: KB941098
- VC2005-SP1: FIX: Visual C++ based projects take longer to compile after you install Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1, see also: KB935225
- VC2005-SP1: FIX: Certain template code does not compile, and error C2244 occurs after you install Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1, see also: KB930198
- VC2005-SP1: FIX: Visual C++ .NET 2005 SP1 C runtime daylight saving time 2007 update for the TZ environment variable, see also: KB930198
- VC2005-SP1 / VC2008: FIX: Error message when you build a project in Visual Studio 2005 SP1 after an .lib file or an .obj file that was built by using Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 is added to the project: “Fatal error LNK1103: debugging information corrupt”, see also: KB949009
- VC2005-SP1: FIX: A Stop error or a crash occurs on the operating system when you profile an application by using Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1, see also: KB958840
- VC2005-SP1 / VC2008: FIX: Error message when you build a project in Visual Studio 2005 SP1 after an .lib file or an .obj file that was built by using Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 is added to the project: “Fatal error LNK1103: debugging information corrupt”, see also: KB949009
- VC2008: FIX: LNK1000 error when incrementally linking, see also: KB948127
- VC2008: FIX: Error C2471: cannot update program database, see also: KB946040
- VC2008: FIX: The Microsoft Software License Terms that are attached to the English version of the Visual C++ Redistributable Package in Visual Studio 2008 are incorrect, see also: KB956414
- VC2008: Using MFC to write an shell extension hangs explorer.exe, see also: KB958314
- VC2008: CRT 9.0 x64 strncpy access violation, see also: KB956420
- VS2008: VS 2008: VS Debugger hangs when guid is used to ID a process
, see also: KB971932 - VC2008-SP1: FIX: On a computer that is running the .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1, the JIT compiler and the Native Image Generator (Ngen.exe) that use the Mscorjit.dll file may generate incorrect code, see also: KB957542
- VC2008-SP1: Updates for Visual Studio 2008 SP1 debugging and breakpoints, see also: KB957912
- VC2008-SP1: Fix for vector <function <FT>> crash, see also: KB962219
- VC2008-SP1: VS Dev Environment crash after undocking windows or changing layouts, see also: KB960075
- VS2008-SP1: Update for Visual Studio 2008 SP1 Debugger, see also: KB967631
- VS2008-SP1: FIX: Error message when you build a project in Visual Studio 2005 SP1 after an .lib file or an .obj file that was built by using Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 is added to the project: “Fatal error LNK1103: debugging information corrupt”, see also: KB949009
- VS2008-SP1: FIX: When you undock some windows or change the window layout in the Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1 IDE, the IDE crashes, see also: KB960075
- VS2008-SP1: Forward Port request for KB 841816 to VS2005 SP1 (the Atl71.dll file causes a memory leak in the AtlAxWindowProc class), see also: KB841816
- VC2008-SP1: Problems with STL/TR1 after installing VS2008 SP1
, see also: KB958357
Updated: 2008-11-06
Updated: 2009-03-09
Updated: 2009-03-13
Updated: 2009-03-18
Updated: 2009-05-08
Updated: 2009-05-13
Updated: 2009-05-23
Updated: 2009-10-06
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